Determine Blog What Will You Create

Posted by Syamsuri Rabu, 31 Juli 2013 0 komentar

Determine Blog What Will You Create

Determine Blog What Will You Create

See you again in Easy Tricks SEO Tips, on this occasion I will share about Determine Blog What Will You Create.

How do I determine which blogs will you create? This is the earliest stage of the SEO process. This article itself is part of a program to do SEO in stages. So if you are a blogger who is really a beginner, I highly recommend to start doing SEO article that in order to get the full picture.
So let's start from zero only. Let's say you have not got any blog. Even if you already have some knowledge of SEO, I hope you can forget all of that first. Because of my experience, SEO theory confuses them from there and from here it becomes a disaster for our blog .... When you're ready, we just started with the first problem.

# 1 Choosing Content Original Or Copy Paste?

This is the first issue when creating a blog, which was to determine whether we blog it will load the content original or copy paste. Determination of SEO is quite important for us later. If you choose a blog original content, SEO optimization can then more easily, because your articles will be unique. Only difficulty of blogs like this exists on the activities of creating content ... because sometimes the bloggers are also running out of ideas.

Another case if you create a blog with articles copy and paste. Copy and paste blog very practical because only copy articles from other blogs. But on the other hand SEO optimization can be very difficult. If the SEO optimization is performed similarly, then usually you have to post the article up to 20 times more to get the same results ....
So if you want to build a blog copy and paste, make sure you are diligent enough to copy and paste. Of course you bloggers who copy his work will not be happy, so at your own risk if it gets reported to the DMCA and banned from the Google index. It is an additional risk of a copy paste blog.

# 2 Choosing the Gado-Gado Or Blog Blog Niche Specific

This time we want to talk about the "topic" or commonly called by blogger niche. This niche word itself is often used because it involves market segmentation. Thus the goal is to determine its own niche market segments of your blog later. Mistakes could mean choosing a niche market that is very narrow.

Let's just say no one's seen her blog that raised niche "free download" a huge success. Then he thought wanted to create a blog with a niche "How To Succeed Raising Cattle". Very difficult for him hoping blogs can be as successful as his blog earlier, because since the beginning of the market is much different. In the real world; far more people who do download every day than to cultivate the cattle business.

But you should know, a blog with a very large niche, also has a very high level of competition. Thus it takes a very heavy SEO optimization to boost our blog. So sometimes far better to choose a niche that suits our SEO capabilities rather than choosing a niche super heavy.
Would not it be better received dozens of visitors alone than not at all? Many bloggers who want to compete in the tough topics, but the ability optimisasinya can only penetrate up to 3 pages only. So the original intention would get thousands of visitors, even resulting in very little traffic.

And what about the hodgepodge blog? Blog hodgepodge would require too heavy SEO optimization. Normally I would have trouble assessing the main theme of the blog mix, because variations of keywords that are too diverse. Therefore hodgepodge blog needs more articles, and each article must be labeled according to the theme.

So up at this point, the blog if you want to make?

  • Original niche blogs with ease?
  • Niche blogs with original hard?
  • Original niche blogs with gado-gado?
  • Duplicate with simple niche blogs?
  • Difficult to duplicate with a niche blog?
  • Duplicate with niche blogs hodgepodge?
Please note that NICHE hodgepodge, CONTENT COPY and PASTE can increase the level of difficulty in the fourth stage of SEO offpage later. My advice, start of the easiest types of blogs while continuing to expand the collection backlink brothers and sisters honed hunting skills backlinks. The better your ability to find backlinks, then you can gradually rise to the next level.

# 3. Select or Select Label Keyword

Whether it's a blog that uses a specific niche or niches gado-gado, you should already have a plan from the beginning. If your blog has a specific niche, then determine from the outset what the main keywords and what keywords aides.

Meanwhile, if you are using a niche blog gado-gado, since the beginning of the discussion determine the sub-sub you would do, to be a label. Suppose you create a news blog, you can use sub-politics, law, celebrity news, economic, technological, social, cultural, and so on as the label of your blog.

# 4 Choosing a Name URL Homepage

Here a lot of bloggers who make the mistake of using domain names for their blogs recklessly. Though this domain name can be very helpful in doing keyword optimization. On the other hand, for bloggers who put keywords in the name of the URL must be noted that Google has done EMD algorithm update . brothers should really pay attention to the quality of the content if you want to use a domain name that contains keywords.

# 5 Use Own Domain or Freebies?

Now suppose you have determined the type of blog that you create. The next question is ... Do you want to use a free subdomain, or buy a paid domain?
Perhaps you are confused about the benefits of each of these options. If you want to use a free domain, of course you do not need to shell out any cost. This is an option many novice bloggers, who are still busy experimenting with blogging world.

So what are the advantages if using a paid domain? There are two advantages: First, you are free to choose a domain name that suits your blog keywords (this is very big influence in SEO points). The second: Blogs seem more professional and not just amateurs who experimented with the virtual world.

The second point is very important for those who want to do business online --- Do not use a free domain name for your online business, because it really makes your customers feel.

Not so dizzy we make the checklist below:
  • Original or duplicate content?
  • Special niche or gado-gado?
  • Competition heavy or light?
  • Is the key words or sub-topics that you want to wake up?
  • Is the name of the URL is SEO friendly?
  • Is your preferred domain is free or paid?

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How Can SEO Article Writing Quality Standards

Posted by Syamsuri Selasa, 30 Juli 2013 0 komentar

Article Writing
Article Writing

See you again in Easy Tricks SEO Tips, on this occasion I will share about How Can SEO Article Writing Quality Standards.

How Can SEO Article Writing Quality Standards? This is stage 3 to 4 stages of SEO. Try to make a quality article of keywords that have been researched. If you do not know about how keyword research can be read in the following article:
# How to Do Keyword Research
After determining the keywords that will be created article, then we are ready to start. Note the important factors when writing the following article:

# 1 Choose the Article Title
The first stage is to determine the title of the article. Make sure your titles contain the most important keywords in the article. Article title length should be about 5-7 words only, because the length will decrease the density of keywords in it. If you want to make a splashy article title should be at the expense of keywords in it. For example, if the title of his article "The price of Ipad 3 Down Again" is changed to "Oh my God! Price Ipad 3 Down Again"

# 2 Choosing the article URL
If the title of the article is chosen long enough, it may not be loaded all at the URL of the article. blog platform for users to change the URL in the following way. Look to the right of where to type your article. There was a permanent menu called Quick Links. Click on the menu,
 You just type the last part of the URL. For example, if the URL that I want then I type in is how-how-write-article-quality-standard-seo (do not forget the hyphen - included in the url). In this way, the URL would be more SEO friendly.

# 3 Use Labels In Every article
We recommend using a label for your articles. Choose the most appropriate label to describe the article is made. To enter click Menu Label label in the right column to type articles. If using more than one tag separated by commas. If your blog is themed mix and not focus on one topic, then you should attach a label on the sidebar gadget to help the flow of PageRank to the pages of your blog article.

# 4 Make sure the Install Meta Description
The meta description that will be displayed on Google's snippets in search results, so make sure meta descriptions also use keywords in your article. Length of the meta description should not be too long, it's 150 characters is sufficient. 

# 5 Making The Optimized Articles
Articles that you create should follow some of these rules:
  • At least 500 words long article
  • Each keyword is repeated at least 3 times in the article, (had to keep it a density of about 3-6% only issue)
  • Keyword should appear first in bold or italic
  • Use standard language that does not diminish the quality of article
  • If you can, make another one with the keyword phrase in the article and give H2 or H3 Heading tags.
# 6 Setting Image In The Article
Make sure that you attach images containing Alt tag. Alt tag is tasked to tell Google about the content of the image, because the Googlebot can not recognize images. If the image file size can not be too large, because it may affect the page loading time. For blogspot users, images should be uploaded while writing the article, and do not be hosted on image hosting another. Because sometimes other hosting could not keep pace loading images from blogspot at rush hour.

# 7 Setting Link In The Pages
If you really need to put a link in the article, then follow these few rules:
  • Make sure all links open in a new tab
  • Distinguish outgoing links and the link to your own blog page. For outgoing links be sure to use rel = "nofollow", while the leading article itself does not need to nofollow.
  • Important!!! Keep in your article are at least two links to another article in your blog if it is related. Interlink like this is very important to improve the search engine robots to index your blog.
# 8 Make sure your article is Able to Solve Problems Or Serving Information sought Readers
The goal is simple, so that readers interested in reading the other article, or even come many times to your blog. It will be very good for the reputation of your blog.
Eight points above can help you to improve the quality of the blog article. Hopefully this can make your blog posts indexed better


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How to streamline Alexa Rank quickly

Posted by Syamsuri Minggu, 28 Juli 2013 0 komentar


See you again in Easy Tricks SEO Tips, on this occasion I will share about How to streamline Alexa Rank quickly.

How to streamline Alexa Rank quickly asked by many bloggers. There are online almost a year, alexanya still above 5 million, and there are also online 2 weeks alexanya through 500 thousand. If you are an online business, then rank alexa rank is very important because it concerns the level of trust blogs. Even if you are just a regular blogger, Alexa rank can give a commercial value on your blog if getting lean.

You need to know that the calculation Alexa Rank is still based on the Alexa toolbar on the browser used in the Internet around the world. Alexa rely on input data from all of its toolbar for calculating pageviews and unique visitors a blog. So to streamline alexa rank your blog quickly enough to use the Alexa toolbar on your internet browser.

If you use the Alexa toolbar on the browser and open a blog online every day, just 2-3 weeks to make your blog into a layer below the rank 1 million. So really lose if you do not install the Alexa toolbar on your browser. Here is how to install the Alexa toolbar on the browser Mozilla and Google Chrome ....

Install the Alexa Toolbar for Firefox

  1. Go to page Alexa Toolbar and click the Install button Alexa Toolbar
  2. Install Alexa Toolbar Buttons
  3. Will open the page User License Agreement. Click Accept and Install
  4. Firefox will do the confirmation, please click Allow
  5. Notifications FireFox
  6. Wait for the download is complete, a new window will appear and click Install
  7. Install Ads Ons
  8. Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart
  9. Restart Firefox
  10. After the restart there will be pages of The Alexa Toolbar for Firefox - Demographic Information, please click on the No Thanks
  11. Will open a page that contains congratulatory: Alexa Toolbar - Installation Successful! The Alexa toolbar is now installed in your browser and should look like this:
  12. If such notice appears below, please click OK.
Content Toolbar

Install the Alexa Toolbar to Google Chrome

  1. Visit the web
  2. Click the "Install Alexa Extension"
  3. Click the "+ Add to Chrome" and then click "Add"
  4. Wait until the download is completed, and a new page will appear
  5. Click "Accept and Enable"
  6. You will be asked to fill in some of the data, if not willing please click "No, Thank's"
  7. Later Alexa toolbar will appear on the Google Chrome browser brothers sisters in the top right.
Now the Alexa toolbar installed on your browser. Please access your blog every day to streamline alexa rank your blog quickly.

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Free Learning Online Business Without Capital

Posted by Syamsuri 0 komentar

online business

See you again in Easy Tricks SEO Tips, on this occasion I will share about Free Learning Online Business Without Capital.

Free Learning Online Business Without Capital - We have had countless bloggers who blog for commercial motivation. Unfortunately so many of the bloggers who do not understand what he was doing. So this time I want to discuss a little bit to learn the basic concepts of online business.

Online business is any activity intended to reap revenue from the virtual world. Of course the best is a free business without capital. It's just that there really is not a business like that. At least you need operational costs .... I mean the cost online.
There are many different online businesses today, but the basic rule is only one traffic. What is the traffic? Traffic is the number of people who will come to visit your blog every day. Actually there are many ways to pursue traffic, but if you talk business online then you need to know two different types of traffic.

Online business is no different to a business in the real world. You need a lot of potential buyers to turn your activities into money. It's not easy to make money from the internet so we'd better re-setting your mindset first before learning free online business without capital is.

Setting Online Business Mindset Brother

Many bloggers look so naive. They think the money making blog today will come next month. Remember that a blog is not money, but the people who visit the blog. It's just that it took quite long until people began to busy visiting your blog.

Now let's say you are a farmer, who wanted to "raise" a blog. Do not rush your blog hoping soon produce. Ambulatory "cattle" this carefully until you are big. Thus you will have a blog selling and start bringing money into your pockets.

Lots of bloggers are "offered" her blog at age prematurely. It's like offering young cattle in the markets of sacrificial animals .... Does anyone want to buy your goat if the goat was still too small? You offer a price not sell cheap though, because that's not what people wanted at the time.

Bloggers who wants instant may be disappointed, because this is money that can not mine be built overnight. If you really want to create a blog for an online business, you have to think like a farmer or a farmer who knows when it's time to reap the rewards of his labor today.

How "fattening" Your Online Business Blog?

Just look at breeders who care for goat or whatever it is. They provide food, water, and pet health care. Here you also need 3 things to fatten your blog. Thirdly it is:
1. article Qualified
2. Backlink
3. Care Blog HTML structure

Why do the above three things are important to you to build a website / blog for online business? I will try to explain a little part of the three things above.

Important role content: # 1 Increase Visitors From Search Engines

As discussed previously, that the online business that requires a lot of traffic, aka visitors blog. Of course, if the visitor can come from free sources, because not everyone can pay for advertising in the virtual world. Currently still the best source of free traffic from Search Engines like Google.

Now we try to discuss how a person can visit a blog from Google? Surely they have to type keywords into the Google search page. Then I will take that person based on the keywords entered. These keywords are very sensitive, slightly reversed its position can change the search results.

That is why we need to make a lot of articles that more keyword variations that we can serve. If you need an up to 10 times the topics addressed in a different way, so that the more diverse are also keywords that Google users can deliver to your blog. Lazy to type a lot of articles? .... For those who are lazy, probably since the beginning do not need to think to go into business. Instead of online, real-world business ... just do not accept slackers

Important role content: # 2 Increase Sales Opportunities

Is a cool language conversion blog. Now let's say there are two different stalls, the first only selling various brands of instant noodles, which are both selling a wide variety of products. Let's just say there are 100 people came to the first stall, of the 100 people who are looking for instant noodles only 3 people, while 97 others did not find what they are looking for.

Then 100 people moving to the second stall. Almost all of them find the items they're looking for, so there are 76 people who shop at both stores. From both of these cases, we can see that the number of visitors is equally 100 people, but the conversion value obtained is much better the second stall from the first stall.

Sometimes very confused as well when finding a blog that is built for online business but his article was very little, or less varied. Although you are very specific business artkel make you be highly variable within the specific limits.

Backlink Important Role For Online Business

When we learned about online business, we need to know why traffic from Google called the best traffic. Visitors from Google is like people who come to shop to a market. They consciously seek what we have to offer when typing in Google search. In contrast, if you offer to others through advertisements or facebook, and so forth. It was no different with the salesman.

Certainly we do not need to explain here how big the difference between the selling opportunities for sales in the market by being a salesman. Much more fun to be "sellers" in the market rather than "salesman" who itinerant offer. Not to discredit friends who make a living as a salesman, ... salesman actually own friends who know just how big a challenge the profession who picked the ball to the consumer.

If you wish stalls, online business you create salable Google, then you have to convince Google how "bermutunya" your offer. One of the most widely used indicator is the number of backlinks Google. The more backlinks to your blog, the more Google users who will be ushered to your blog.

HTML structure maintenance blog

Be careful when installing anything on your blog. Although the blog has been running smoothly, if any installed gadget or link does not like robots search engine, then the blog ranking can suddenly plummeted. Google does not like the iframe or the links to the services review. Never install this if you do not want to bite the finger, and halting further optimization.

So that's the reason why the content, backlinks, and HTML structure maintenance is important to fatten your blog.

What indications Blog It Fat?
If a breeder is doing 3 things at the top of the goat, the result can be seen on the weight of goat meat itself. While on your blog it will be seen as unusually high traffic. High traffic is what will be the source of money for you. There are many ways to convert blog traffic into money, but first we must learn to distinguish between the two types of traffic on the blog.

Types of traffic In Online Business Blog

1. General Blog Traffic

What is meant by the general blog traffic is the visitors who come with different motivations. There are indeed looking for your product. There are only like blogwalking. There are only interested in the picture that you put on facebook, and so forth. But whatever it is, they can be counted as the traffic you need.

2. Targeted Blog Traffic

This type of traffic is traffic that is looking for the Specific you offer. Usually this kind of traffic comes from the search engine from Google. It is very easy to change traffic into buyers, if you offer a particular product.

Once you know these two different types of traffic, then please choose to pursue traffic how. Each of these has their own potential traffic to make money for you.

Online Business For Under General traffic

If you are planning to look for traffic as gado-gado (public traffic), then the best way to make money from your blog is to join the adsense program. Alternatively you can also open a stall for advertising and banner on your blog traffic is already tempting many potential advertisers. The second type of online business is no need targeted traffic, because anyone can click on an ad is considered installed.

Make money with Adsense

Now there are many Adsense services, both locally and internationally. To be able to get money from adsense traffic you need a fairly large, since not all the blog visitors will click on your ad. As an example the case, if the pay per click is Rp 500, then you need 100 clicks to get 50.000.

Let's just say it's only 100 clicks from more than 100 visitors to the blog. If the average is only 1% of the clicks on the ad, then you need 10,000 visitors per day to produce 50,000 per day. Meaning of blogs by the number of 10,000 visitors per day you can get Rp.1.500.000 per month. Is it still feels less? That is why many people are trying to raise the average clicks to 2% in ways that .... that's how.

Make money with stalls and banner ads

If this one does not need 10,000 visitors per day. If you can reach 5000 visitors per day, is going to pay a very hefty. Let's just say you open a stall for 5 worth 200.000 banner, banner for 5 stalls for 100,000, and 10 stalls for 50.000 costing banner. If you bought all these, then you can earn Rp.2.000.000/bulan of traffic adsense only half of the calculation above.

Is it still feels less? Then just try to combine the shanties method and adsense ads, so you will have two sources of income. But if still not well, and hard at work .... ya up 2, 3 other blogs.

According To Online Business Targeted Traffic

If you have a product or service you want to offer in cyberspace. Whatever it is: you definitely need targeted traffic. Whether you open a fashion shop (boutique) online, jewelry store, or just offer services in cyberspace .... traffic from Google can certainly help you earn big money.

Now let's say you open a women's accessories store online. From this store you get 10,000 profit per sale. If you get the traffic up to 5000 visitors per day and there are about 2% of visitors are interested in buying. Means you can record 100 sales per day. Multiply by the amount of gain (10,000) then your income every day is Rp.1.000.000.
Extraordinary income, right? That is why there are certain key words that can be a very expensive fee, Moreover, if the value of competition is very high.
Well it's time to close this article. Hopefully this article can help beginner blogger friends saw the potential of an online business. But on the other side of this article also emphasizes online business is not built overnight. There are many things you must learn, for example:
  1. Learning how to research keywords
  2. Learning how to make article
  3. Learning how to set up website
  4. Learning how to get backlinks, and
  5. Learning how to promote in a variety of social media

Fifth of the above is the main base to bring in traffic. Will be explained in greater detail in subsequent articles, because this article is just an opening to discuss business issues online. Wait for the next article in this blog ....

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Onpage optimization on Blog

Posted by Syamsuri Rabu, 24 Juli 2013 0 komentar
Welcome to Easy Tricks SEO Tips

See you again in Easy Tricks SEO Tips, on this occasion I will share about onpage optimization on blog  

Onpage optimization perform on the newly created blog is a mandatory step. This is the second stage of the four stages that need to be done to be a champion of search engines. The main purpose of onpage optimization is not to become the first champion in Google. This optimization is only to help Google index your blog correctly.

It's like you put a race car on the right track, but ... whether you can be a race car champion? Not necessarily. The process of becoming champions is still long. You still have to go through two more stages, which adds quality article content and optimization Offpage. Offpage optimization itself is divided into two processes, namely Looking backlinks and Promote Blog . But it was later discussed, we focus first on the problem onpage 

So not too confusing Onpage just follow the checklist below one by one. Should be done carefully and accurately, because the process outlined below is only done once.
  1. Use the template that is SEO friendly.
  2.  If your blog has been a long time and still want to use the old template then you should do first adjustment dynamic headings on your blog, plug breadcrumbs and related articles .
  3. For the structure of the template, make sure the article is in the left side of the screen and sidebar on the right.
  4. Make sure your blog has a title tag and meta description different on each page.
  5. Register your blog with Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytic and attach a second verification code this tool on your blog. And submit a sitemap to Google Webmaster.
  6. Register your blog on Feedburner
  7. If there are images in the widget, then make sure to use alt tags as in the following example: <img src="" alt="image globe" />
  8.  Make sure your blog free of iframes, scripts are hosted on external hosting, and a flash element
  9. Be sure to install widgets like Blog Archive, Top Posts, or Labels, because this widget will help spread your pagerank points while starting the process of optimization Offpage later.
  10. Make sure to not put a link to your blog or other website on the sidebar if you do not really need. Because each link is point out the leaks. Do not until later in the fourth stage of finding backlinks your SEO hard work just to pass points to another blog.
  11. At the end of the template you should install a link to the homepage which contains the main keywords of your blog.  
If you've completed all that is written above, then your blog will already be very adequate in terms of onpage. No longer do you need tinkering. All you have to do now is make sure that you do not put any strange widget in the future. 

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Alexa Rank Widget

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